What to Know About Coastal Construction on Bradenton Beach

Coastal construction has specific regulations and rules that do not apply to other geographic locations. Because of the unique environment of coastal living, there are certain things that have to be accounted for in regards to weather conditions and environmental concerns. The Gulf of Mexico hosts some beautiful scenery, especially in locales like Bradenton Beach, Florida. However, in order to make it your home, you have to find a construction company that will follow all rules and regulations that are in place. Your home must follow regulations implemented for your protection and the protection of the environment, or else it could end up damaged, or cause damage to the surrounding areas. The Florida Legislature implemented a program called the Coastal Construction Control Line Program, which outlines regulations for protecting Florida’s beaches and dunes, while ensuring reasonable use of private property.

Under the CCCL Program, a proposed new home build must be located as far on land as possible, it must not advance an existing line of construction, and it must be elevated above the storm surge and wind-driven waves associated with any significant storm event. The proposed structure must also be constructed on regulated pilings and walls.

Another one of the rules for coastal building is a regulation put in place by FEMA, which is the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

One of FEMA’s rules for remodeling or rebuilding a home is the Substantial Damage Rule, also called the “50% Rule,” which is required by the National Flood Insurance Program. Basically, this rule is a set of guidelines for structures built before December 31, 1974. These guidelines apply to waterfront homes whose lowest floor sits below the 100-year flood elevation line.

In simple terms, the guidelines state that if the cost of improvements or the cost to repair or rebuild the damage exceeds 50% of the market value of the coastal home, it must be brought up to current floodplain management standards. So an existing building that has sustained damage costing more than 50% of its value must meet the requirements for new construction after being repaired. This can often mean that a home needs to be elevated to or above that 100-year flood elevation line.

As you can see, before constructing a new coastal home, or preparing to remodel or rebuild an existing one, there are some strict regulations in place you must navigate. Navigating these on your own can be costly, difficult, and time consuming. Interested in learning more about coastal construction rules for Bradenton Beach, Florida homes? Curious about planning construction for your own Bradenton Beach home, but not quite sure where to begin? Adkins Building & Construction can answer all your questions and figure out the best course of action for you, whether you’re looking to renovate, remodel, or build new. Give us a call today.

Adkins Building & Construction is your Bradenton Beach coastal construction expert. Whether you’re looking to build new, or rebuild a damaged home, Adkins can help. We abide by all coastal construction rules and regulations in Florida.