Scandinavian people traits: A complete guide to Scandinavian features

No matter where you go around the globe, you’re sure to face some stereotypes, like Russians being labelled as communists with blonde hair and blue eyes by the Americans.

We see folks from Italy as highly passionate and romantic, while Canadians are considered to be notoriously polite.

Of course, the world is brimming with millions of different people. Because you’re from Germany doesn’t signify that you’re obsessed with beer, and Danish people aren’t all big lovers of cheese.

Today in this article, we’re going to look at the most common Scandinavian stereotypes to assist you in distinguishing the actual Scandinavian peoples traits from the rumors.

We’ll cover as much ground as possible, from Scandinavian genetic traits to what the standard Scandi person might look like and their common features.

Let’s get started. 

What are Scandinavian people like?

What comes to your mind when you picture Scandinavian people?

Do you imagine a group of blue-eyed, blonde-haired people cycling to duties or hiking through the mountains? Do you assume that all Scandinavian locals have vast sums of money or that they’re happy all the time, no matter what?

These things are some most common Scandinavian stereotypes, built up over the years from scraps, genuine research into Scandinavian genetics, and tons of rumours. For most people, a Nordic terrain is a mysterious place.

If you have yet to visit Norway or Denmark, there’s a good chance most of your insights into Scandinavian people’s traits come from what you’ve read on the internet rather than genuine interactions.

However, while some common traits and traditions exist among Scandinavian people, everyone in this area is a lot more unique than you’d think.

Even without getting into the in-depth differences between countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, you’ll discover that not all Scandinavian folks are blonde-haired, blue-eyed Vikings. 

Let’s look at the common Scandinavian characteristics that have some truth behind them to get started.

Scandinavian genetics: Common features

The most important thing we should discuss is Scandinavian genetics and physical traits. The “Nordic race”, as many veterans call Scandinavians, do have a few things in common.

While not every person in the Scandi region will have blue eyes and blonde hair, these traits are a lot more common in Scandinavia than anywhere else in the world.

The Nordic race, which covers Finnish people from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway (among other locations), often comes with pale skin, light-colored eyes, and a tall frame.

While it’s true that not all Scandinavian people are descendants of Vikings, many will be — which may explain why they have so many similar genetic traits.

Usual Scandinavian looks come from a background in Viking history, as Viking tribes originally populated much of the region. Though it’s been many centuries past the Viking age, many modern-day humans will still have the Viking DNA. 

Remember that this isn’t exclusive to the Scandinavians, as it is standard.

Scandinavians don’t just get their looks from their Viking heritage only. Scandinavian genetics also contribute significantly to how hard these people are. For example, you may have heard that Scandinavian people are resistant to low temperatures.

After all, they have to deal with things like the midnight sun and weeks without sunlight.

However, Scandinavian people feel the cold they’re just less likely to suffer from it than folks in other areas of the world. Years of living in arctic and subarctic circumstances have created very resilient people.

These folks soak up the sun where possible and stay indoors, enjoying warm fires and ultrasoft blankets when it’s cold.

As the Nordic saying tells us, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.