Discover the cities and villages of Morocco

Wewillmakeyoudiscover the cities and villages of Morocco, which all have theircharm, for example the vibrant colors of Marrakech, Feswhichitissaid to be the “cradle of culture” of the country, the capital Rabat, the animation of Casablanca, itsvaried architecture and itsmosque, one of the mostbeautiful in the world, Essaouira, city of artists, or Agadir whichisthat of vacationers.

Furthernorth, youcandiscover the tranquilcharms of the port of Azilah, the port of Tangierwhichisonly a ferry crossingfrom Spain, or explore the Mediterraneancoast of Morocco, which has remainedalmostpristine. TowardsChefchouen, towards the coastaltown of ….. and as far as Saidia, a beautifulsea-bathingtown. The possibilities are endless and wewillgladlyorganize a tour according to your tastes.

Unmatched tours and excursions withexpedition trips to Moroccothatallowyou to travelthroughMorocco by air conditioning 4×4 cars and minivans

Marrakech desert tripis a local travelagency and transport companybased in Marrakech, specializing in private and small group tours acrossMorocco. 

Marrakech desert toursoffers trekking tours on dromadai

Marrakech desert triporganizes a variety of tours and excursions thatallowyou to discover the magic of Morocco, with staff whocan help youchoose an itinerarythatwillallowyou to discoverthisbeautiful country according to yourprops.

Weoffer a wide range of special tours and cracking vacations in Morocco. These tours are welldesigned and highlight the best of Morocco to explore the hiddengatesyouwillneverforget.

Some of our clients talking about us.

Thankyou for fantasticdays of visitingMorocco. Our Marrakech desertour 2 days or Marrakech deser tours 3 dayswassuperb. I wasworried at first because I wastakingsmallchildren on a circuit with a lot of travel, on sometimesdifficult terrain, but Abdallah and Ahmed werebothveryaccommodating and veryhelpful. I wasveryinterested in theirknowledge of the history of Morocco, whichadded a particular relief to everythingwesaw